Sunday 14 June 2015

The lust of his dream

Let the sky fall down on his knees today,
Let the rain kiss your lips,
Let the wind touch your soul tonight,
Let them fall for you deep.

You are beautiful.
Your imperfect curves;
Your broken smile;
Your frowning eyes;
You are beautiful.

The first rain of the monsoon,
The glitter of the frozen lake,
The shine of the winter Sun,
You are his dream.

You are beautiful.
Do you hear?
You are beautiful.

Run, run like a free bird;
Play in the fields so green,
Sing your song loud,
Dance, like never been seen!

You are the lust of his breathe,
You are the hope of his blues,
You are the thought of his soul,
You are his wish.

Let the beauty perish,
Let the wrinkles hide your skin;
Tremble, you beauty!
Tremble in pain.
The cloud darkens your soul,
The rain wipes your glee.
The wind cuts through your flesh,
Tremble, you beauty!
Tremble in pain.

The night is long,
Longer are your dreams,
You, You are beautiful.
Do you hear?
You are beautiful.

Sunday 25 January 2015

Doesn't Matter Anymore.

She didnot mind the cold rain. She gazed at the rainbow, wearing her broken smile.

She knew it doesn't matter anymore.
She knew she didnot belong there anymore.
She drove miles of compromises and sacrifices.
And stood at his door.

She did not mind the cold rain. She gazed at the rainbow, wearing her broken smile.

Two steps ahead, and six behind;
That's where she belonged.
She wiped the mirror.
She tucked her hair behind her ears.

She will be loved, he knows.

She did not mind the cold rain. She gazed at the rainbow, wearing her broken smile.

Saturday 20 September 2014


Every autumn that made her ill,
She dreamt of what her life could have been.
There was a narrow road down the hill,
Where her dreams would mourn in keen.

She held her with her trembling hands,
She carried her flaws with the love so true,
She looked at her with the wrinkled smile,
She hid her away from all the blues.

He stood up against all her odds,
He pushed her up the hill,
He was her sky so broad,
He believed in her dreams and will.

The thunder flashed the bitter truth,
The rains wept off 'their' sight,
The storm froze their melting hearts.
Long and dark, sleepless night.
Long and dark, sleepless night.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Those happy endings.

A distant land.
An extra mile.
The minute meets the hour.

Memories turned back, but time didnot.

Sometimes, it was just eleven  minutes.
Sometimes, it was forever.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Gone with the wind.


It's a story, of yesterday.

There was a bird. As innocent as the rising sun; as beautiful as the dusky dawn. With the first ray of the day, it flew across the mountains, played with twigs and sang at her window.

She began her morning with her song. The song of happiness. The dawn of hope.
The bird chirped when she wept. The bird chirped when she laughed. And, the dawn met the dusk with happiness.

She named the bird, Hope . But every dawn brought her Hope

Time flew faster but not swifter than the bird. They were growing together. Every dawn saw Hope stronger and merrier; and her younger. One day She stepped out with Hope, beyond what the window could see. They felt love, met bruises, tasted tears but laughed louder. 

The meetings never stopped. Every morning they stepped out of the door. Hope saw her smile, her tears, and then her depart. But Hope followed. No dawn, she lost Hope.

One day, Hope grew old. Hope had its feathers faded. Hope was losing his flight.
That dawn, Hope was gone.

She lost Hope. And, that day she met another friend, Life. With Life beside, she kept the window open, forever. Hope shall come someday, she quietly wished.

*you are a bird. You fly.  To a land of happiness. You meet  people. They aren't good nor bad. They are what makes your life. One day, as hope faded, they will all fly away. Let them fly. Don’t mourn. Celebrate life. Because they were once there, life is yours  today. And it is always a happy one, like yesterday.

Saturday 25 May 2013


Last summer, he promised her love.

It was last summer, in the rains, when they had their first kiss. The warmth of his arms, couldnot let her part away from him. It was their last spring together.

And the door was never opened again after that autumn. The rusted chains kept the promises hidden behind the knot; the promises that were never uttered; the promises that were never written, but the promises which were more than just true.

He promised to come back; a promise uttered.

had 'his' smile; Lucas had 'his' charm, David had 'his' innocence. But, his touch was never felt again. She was never in his arms. Her soul was never kissed again.

But, he promised. The promised she had her faith on. But, there was no him in the crowd again.
And people could not see her pain. For them, it was all about a Slut.

As she wiped the teardrop off her wrinkled face, the summer rains drenched off their moments of togetherness. 

And, it was winter again.

'sometimes it lasts in love,
sometimes, it hurts instead.'

but someday,
i shall find,
'someone like you'

an Adele fan,

Friday 22 February 2013


'you will be happy.'  These were her words that came along her good-bye. With a tear drop, ofcourse.

Everything begins with her. Everything. Your existence. Your Life. Your words. Your love.  And, 'you'.
Yes, this one is for the 'mother'.

It's strange how you can read my mind. How can the same sad face tell you if it was because of the favorite pen i lost, the dress i skipped to buy, or if it was the heart which was broken. Do you have that magic wand on your shelf, or the crystal-ball under your bed?

'How do i look?'.
'Obviously pretty.'
So, the Quest : Why always the same answer (often deceptive), maa? No excuses please! Your lie made me wear a fluorescent orange dress when i was 4. Well, now you know, that i understand.

Confessions- yes, i broke your favorite crockery  and not the maid. I hid my sister's (mamun) watch, and that's how it was lost. Not her fault. I hid my Hindi answer-script when i flunked, and..a lot more. But yes, i know that you already know these. You were the perfect actress.

Now, when i have grown up to be a lady, i am so proud that it was your womb where i found my existence. Every word of yours made me the strong person i am today. You taught me how to love, and be loved.
You taught me what priorities are all about. You helped me mend my broken heart. You helped me to weave back the shattered dreams. You made me who i am.
Thank you for being the best friend. Thank you for your support.

I know that it was hard bringing me up, but i know you did all you could. You smiled when i kicked. You sang when i cried. You were patient when i talked endlessly. For all the sleepless nights, you had for me- bohut morom maa. ('love to you maa').

Today i am missing you too much. But your thoughts made me strong again.

with love, meeky.